



Within the program there are two positions:

ACTIVITY SPECIALIST– a person who specializes in one of the activities in the camp and someone who is directly involved in working with children, who teaches them on a daily basis and shares their knowledge and skills with them.

CABIN COUNSELOR– a person who lives with children, organizes their activities and time in the camp. Whether they help children when writing an email to parents, resolve disagreements, checks if they are well dressed or made their dormitories, Cabin Counselors present their supervisor and person who will be the their quide during their entire stay in the camp.

During the program, Activity Specialist and Cabin Counselor take care of a group of children who are about the same age.


If you choose Summer Camp program, during the nine or ten weeks you dedicate yourself to a lot of fun and hard work, trying to provide children with an interesting and valuable experience.
The camp is your new home where you do all your activities. During the week, you get a one day off, which you can use to go to the local community near the campsite and rest from everyday activities.

Life and work in the camp includes:


  • Life with the children
  • Staying in larger rooms / bedrooms (candidates do not have their own room, they share it with other employees or with the children)
  • Responsibility for children within the camp
  • Most candidates spend time on their feet and outdoors
  • 6 working days a week – candidates must be available 24 hours during the working day
  • Limited access to the Internet and the phone
  • During working hours, access to the phone is strictly prohibited (candidates are recommended to take a wristwatch)
  • Camp nutrition is based on the principle of canteens
  • Nutrition options for people who are allergic to gluten, vegetarians, etc. are limited
  • Restricted rest periods (some camps within the days have a certain time set for rest)
  • The possibility of “cultural shock” upon arrival in the United States
  • Training before entering the camp
  • Schedule is very important in campsites – candidates must respect the schedule and not be late
  • The candidates are expected to be proactive and not afraid to ask or seek help if they need them



Every day in the camp is a little different, but also full of new experiences and challenges, and it looks approximately like this: